martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Tuesday, June 23rd

Hello, Little flamingos!

How are you feeling?

Today we are going to learn a new sound!

馃専Are you ready to start?馃専

Do you remember the jsong? Here's the video for you to sing along.

Remember that you have to pretend to be a jelly and wobble saying j,j,j.

Words with j :

Activity for the copybook :馃摂

Print or copy the following photocopy:

✏️ Grab a pencil and trace the words. 

馃帹 Colour the pictures.

✏️ Fill the jar with words that contain the sound j.
You can use this word bank:

Word bank
 jump - jam - jacket - jelly - jug - jet

✏️Write the date: Today is Tuesday 23rd

✏️Write the title: Sound j

Stick the photocopy

Resultado de imagen para meet logo
HAVE your copybook and pencil case with you!
✏️ 馃摂

That´s all for today, kids!
Have a great day!

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