martes, 16 de junio de 2020

Tuesday, June 16th

Hello, kids! 

How was your long weekend?

I hope you are all doing fine! 👍

Let's start a new day! 

Today we are going to learn a new sound!  

🌟 Are you ready to start? 🌟

Let´s listen to theaisong? Here's the video for you to sing along.

Remember that every time you say ai you have to cup one hand over your ear, as if you weren´t hearing and say ai, ai, ai

Words with ai:

Listen carefully to Miss Mary👂, she will tell you what to do today: 

Activity for the copybook: 📔

1) Write the date: Today is Tuesday 16th ✏️ 

2) Write the title: Sound ai ✏️

3) Print or copy the following photocopy:

4) Complete the words with the sound ai  ✏️

5) Colour the pictures 🎨 

6) Stick the photocopy in your copybook.  

That´s all for today, kids!

Have a great day!
Bye Bye Goodbye GIF by Mickey Mouse (con imágenes)

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