Hello, Little Flamingos!

How are you doing?
Today we are going to revise a new sound! 🔊
🌟 Are you ready to start? 🌟
Do you remember the “g” song? Here's the video for you to sing along. 🎶
Remember that you have to spiral your hand down as if water is gurgling down a drain, and say g,g,g,g.
Before we complete the photocopy let´s watch this video. You will find some words with g
Activity for the copybook: 📙
1) Print the following photocopy: 📙
2) Grab some colour pencils and trace the letter sound. ✏️
3) Colour the pictures. 🎨
4) Write the date: Today is Tuesday 19th
5) Stick the photocopy
If you cannot print the copy, draw a gift, a frog, and a plug in your copybook and label them.

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