viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Friday, May 8th

Hello, kids!!
HOLIDAY WINTER BREAK 2016/2017 | Entertain Kids on a Dime Blog


Let´s dance together!

Now, let´s get started

Today we are going to play a game. 

In this game, we will have to look for different toys 🔎

Are you ready?

Click here to play the game 

Activity for the copybook:📙

1) Write the date: Today is Friday 8th 

2) Draw 5 toys you found in the game and label them.


doll    computer   teddy bear    kite    ball     robot 

That´s all for today kids!

Enjoy your weekend! 

Goodbye GIF - Goodbye - Discover & Share GIFs

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Flor!! No pudimos ver Toy Detective no me deja verlo ni el la compu ni en la tablet.

  2. Hola, Flor!! Volví a cargar el enlace. Prueben ahora si pueden entrar.
