lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Monday, October 26th

 Good Morning, kids!

I hope you had a great weekend! 

Are you ready to start? COME ON

Let´s sing the sounds first:

Activity for the copybook:📙

Print or copy the following photocopy: 👇

✏️ Write the date:  Today is Monday 26th.

✏️ Write the title: Football

 Stick the photocopy. 

✨ That's all for today! ✨



RECORDATORIO para Martes 27


  • 1 paper roll

  • markers

  • 1 sheet of paper

RECORDATORIO para viernes 30th

Materiales: Vamos a hacer un collage. Podemos traer:

  • papel glase, 

  • revistas

  • pastos, hojas

  • semillas

  • lanas, hilos

  • lo que tengas en casa para poder armar un poster!

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