martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Tuesday, August 18th


Hello, kids!

How was your weekend?

I hope you had a GREAT time!

Let's check the weather!

How's the weather today?

sunny☀️ / windy 💨 / rainy ☂️/ cloudy ☁️ / partly cloudy ⛅

Activity for the copybook: 📔

✏️ Write the date: Today is Tuesday 18th.

✏️ Write the title: My weekend!

✏️ Choose 3 things you did over the weekend and copy the sentences in your copybook.

Go over this presentation and use the word bank to complete your work:

Click here to see the presentation

You can follow this example:

😀That's all for today!😀

Remember that today we meet!

You need to have your copybook📔 and your pencil case✏️!

A partir de esta semana vamos a probar una nueva metodología para el envío de los trabajos del cuaderno.

Pensamos en un solo mail al terminar la semana que incluya las fotos de lo realizado.

Gmail - Aplicaciones en Google Play

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