miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Wednesday, July 15th

We are getting together to talk about portfolios
Have your copybook ready!
Group 1 at 9 am:
-Nico Coppola
-Valu Perrota
-Giuli Guzzo
Group 2 at 9:30 am:
-Martu Staffa
-Cata Galín
-Fran Lopez Beloso

good morning gif - Photos

I hope you are all doing fine! 

Let´s start a new day with this song

How´s the weather like today?

sunny☀️ / windy 💨 / rainy ☂️/ cloudy ☁️ / partly cloudy ⛅

Activity for the copybook:📔
Print or copy the following photocopy: 👇
✏️ Write the date: Today is Wednesday 15th.

✏️ Write the title: Sentence match

🎨 Grab some colour pencils and colour the drawings.

📖 Read the sentences.

Highlight or circle the correct sentence. 

Stick the photocopy in your copybook.

That´s all for today, kids!
See You Tomorrow Sticker by GIPHY Text for iOS & Android | GIPHY

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