lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Monday 13th. Sound I

Monday 13th 

Hello, Flamingos!

Today we are going to revise a new sound.

Are you ready to start?

Here's the video for you to sing along!

Remember that every time you say the n sound, you need to pretend as if you were a plane

Hold your arms and say n, n, n, n.

Activity for the copybook :

1) Print the following photocopy

2) Grab some colour pencils and trace the letter. 

Don´t forget to complete the blank spaces too!

3) Colour the pictures 

4) Write the date in the copybook 
("Today is Monday 13th")

5) Stick the photocopy 

If you cannot print the copy, draw a net, a nest and a neck in your copybook and label them. ( NET-NECK-NEST)

Challenge: Watch this video

Now, think of words starting with the sound n.

How many could you find?

Write them below as a comment or draw them and send me a picture

Have a beautiful day!

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